
Hi. I'm Sam

I am a former hotelier who turned into software engineer.

I have been in the hospitality industry since graduating college, working for leading hotel chains, Marriott and Hilton and various other well recognized companies. 
To satisfy my curiosity and fulfill my life dream to be a software developer, I decided to change career. I enlisted in one of the strongest Software Development bootcamps and dedicated my entire time to learning and acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to be a strong full stack engineer. I completed the full curricular requirements, interned for few weeks with one of the silicon valley’s fast growing startups.

My experience has been working with JavaScript (React), HTML, and CSS front end, JavaScript (Node/Express) and Python (Flask) back end and PostgreSQL databases.


I built the following apps and games using a mix of Javascript (plain, React for frontend, Express for backend), Python (Flask for backend), PostgreSQL database, HTML, and CSS.


Fullstack Javascript job searching app built with a React frontend, PostgreSQL database, and Node/Express backend.
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Twitter clone, fullstack Python app with Flask backend, PostgreSQL database, and Jinja-based templating for the frontend.
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Madlibs React App

A game built with React. Given some prompts, users fill out a form and create short story!
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When I am not working, I enjoy travel, cycling, gardening and lots of reading.

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